Sunday Prototype – 01/20/13 – More Production Skinths

Been a little busy this week churning our product to really give a prototype a go, but we figure that three unseen colours in production models is better than none! A little customized Skinth L-Shield (Hot Rod Style) , a Blaze Orange Skinth Command Post and a Coyote Tan Skinth Catch All.

This is Skinth L-Shield is going to one lucky customer that owns a silver truck with a black racing stripe down the center. Why not have your tools match!

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The Skinth Command Post is typically made from more subdued to colours, but we think this CP in blaze orange is pretty rad. DSC_0015 DSC_0016 DSC_0017 DSC_0018

Nothing much to say about this mother Skinth. Holding everything short of the kitchen sink, this Coyote Tan Skinth Catch All is pretty much ready for anything. DSC_0019

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