Sunday Prototype – 01/20/13 – More Production Skinths
Been a little busy this week churning our product to really give a prototype a go, but we figure that three unseen colours in production models is better than none! A little customized Skinth L-Shield (Hot Rod Style) , a Blaze Orange Skinth Command Post and a Coyote Tan Skinth Catch All.
This is Skinth L-Shield is going to one lucky customer that owns a silver truck with a black racing stripe down the center. Why not have your tools match!
The Skinth Command Post is typically made from more subdued to colours, but we think this CP in blaze orange is pretty rad.
Nothing much to say about this mother Skinth. Holding everything short of the kitchen sink, this Coyote Tan Skinth Catch All is pretty much ready for anything.
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