Sunday Prototype – 02/10/13 – Smoke Mondo-Shield
Finally, we are on more of a normal schedule after the mad holiday rush. Being a bespoke products company, we spend a lot of time tailoring each product that leaves our door to the customer. We try to add a little touch of customization to each one even if it’s just a standard product.
When this Skinth user ordered his Mondo-Shield he reached out to us and cried for help. Our normal belt clips for Skinth Shields are sized for 1.75″ and are very compact, his much thicker 1.5″ bull hide belt clip wouldn’t fit this.
No problem.
We went into our storage area and found some 1.5″, thick aperture clips and installed one for him. While were at it, he wanted us to use orange stitching.
Normally, a pocket is formed by a triple layer of CORDURA sewn into a rectangle. In order to install the shorter, thicker belt clip, we use the same technique that we use to install belt clips on our custom Skinths. A double stitched 1.5″ wide slab of nigh density webbing.
The orange stitching is always a challenge, contrasting colours demand much more attention than standard matching thread. We rose to the occasion.
Inside is a typical Mondo-Shield load out.
A couple of credit and business cards, a Moleskine Volant XS notebook, a BigIdeaDesign XTS Ti pen, Leatherman Supertool 300 BO, stubby Sharpie marker, 4″ crescent wrench.
That’s all for this week. Going to be working hard to get more product out the door and as soon as we have more time on our hands, more custom products too!
Stay tuned!
Catch the Wave.
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