Sunday Prototype – 05/01/13 – The Skinth Trouble Maker Shield

Remember that time you broke that window…by accident…the time you poked your arch nemesis’ back bike tire…by accident…the time you were just “watching” those ants walk into your magnifying glass…by accident. 

 This week’s Sunday Prototype and 2013’s FIRST Sunday Prototype is for those ‘by accident’ times, here’s the Trouble Maker Shield, with a bit of a vintage twist. Made from a classic forest duck green, this Trouble Maker harks back to simpler times when sodas were a nickel and text messages were written on paper. Outfitted with Brass Buttons, leather details, this little guy is off to cause some havoc.


A leather bottom insures when you are skidding down that grassy hill, running from Buck because his bike tire’s flat, your Skinth is good to go.


Turning around you pull our your slim-sling-shot and fire an acorn, hittin’ Buck square in the shoulder. Victory!


The rest of your tooling is ready to go with you. A pair of BO Slip-n-Snip for cutting away your frayed pants hem, a vintage BO  PST lets you do and build almost anything, a BO Fisher Space Pen lets you right in your notebook when you are posted under a rock in the rain and when things get cold, a small bundle of strike any where matches.

DSC_00552012 was a fantastic year for Skinth and 2013 promises to be even bigger, badder and Skinthier (yes, that’s a word now). Stay tuned, for new models, BIG give aways, and other crazy news. 

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