Sunday Prototype – 07/08/12 – The Skinth SS (SAK Sack)


After battles with setting up, power outtages, internet troubles, equipment failure, bruised shins, skinned knuckles and just about broken bones, we are up and running in the new and improved Skinth HQ’s production facility. We are working double…even triple time to clear the back orders and get them out the door.

We are now proud to continue our weekly tradition of the Sunday Prototype. We ended off the Sunday Prototype instalments from the old shop with the Skinth VS (which is still being beta tested…patience) and this week’s prototype is in a simliar vane, The Skinth SS (SAK Sack).

The Swiss Army Knife (SAK) is the original multitool, legendary in it’s ubiquitous red cellador scaled coat. Every boy, girl, man, woman and sometimes monkey has used a version of a SAK and they continue to be popular among those overseas in Europe due to it’s continental heritage and law-abiding slip joint construction.

Despite being such popular format, have you ever had one in your pocket? We like to call it the “Is that a SAK in your pocket or are you happy to see me?” syndrom.

Worry no more Skinth users! The Skinth SS is here! 

Constructed simliarliy to the Skinth VS, the Skinth SS is made entirely out of heavy nylon webbing to ensure it will stand up to years of faithful service/punishment.

Our super strong, super awesome, super slim 2″ belt clip is applied and secured with a heavy rivet. Positioned so it rides as low as it can, even our tester’s love handles didn’t dare scuff the Skinth SS.

A 4 Layer SAK (Deluxe Tinker) fits inside with a Space Pen sliding next to it.

Fancy some ALOX? Well their bigger frames fit well too! The slimmer ones even allow for an AAA to be carried next to it.

Got some computers to fiddle with? No problem, the CT34 can hop  along for a ride.

Want your cake and eat it too? The Swiss Champ jams inside like it was meant to be there.


For the first time ever, a sneak peak into the table top studio where all the future Skinths are kept. In the background is the Multi-Barracks, where all of our sample Multitools, flashlights and other EDC items that we test in our Skinths. The Skinth SS rides low and slim, showcased on this years OD Green cargo shorts and green plaid.

The Skinth SS will be betatested for flaws and design changes but expect to see it on the Spartan line up soon. 

Thanks everyone for reading and stay tuned for more Skinth Sunday Prototypes. 

UPDATE! The Skinth SAK Sack is now the Skinth S-Shield: