Sunday Prototype – 1/27/13 – Skinth OD Green Mondo Shield
Again, we’ve been working hard to pump out as many Skinths as we can this week to get back to normal after the holiday bashing we experienced. Best problem to have we say!
This week we are revisiting the Shields again, but in a color that you’ve probably never seen. Here’s our biggest Shield, the Mondo in a cool OD Green.
Loaded up, the Mondo Shield still only take up the space of a large pack of playing cards.
Like it’s smaller brothers, the heart of the Mondo-Shield holds a large multitool, in this case, a Leatherman Surge. Hanging on the outside is a Spyderco Native 5.
Accompanying the Surge, is a Titaner Toothpick/Pill holder, Big I Design XTS Titanium Pen, Ultrafire A3R5 AAA Flshlight, Moleskine Volant XS and a bunch of Skinth business cards.
That pretty much covers your everyday carry for note taking, cutting, fixing, adjusting, improvising, breaking and even your headache problems.
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Skinth Shields
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