Sunday Prototype – 13/01/13 – Skinth Dot.Com Ultra Lite
Since the launch of the Sunday Prototype program, we’ve seen many colour combinations come and go. Two have stood out and been requested many times over, the Zombie Hunter and the Dot.Com. Both feature a contrasting bright color, coupled with a muted Smoke Grey. This week we are exploring the popular Dot.Com color scheme, blaze orange and smoke grey.
We took an standard orange Skinth L-Shield and added a few extra bits and bobs to make it into the Skinth Dot.Com Ultra Lite. The original Skinth Dot.Com was a modifed Skinth XL, which is a medium sized Skinth. This L-Shield is our slimmest and most feature packed model yet!
By adding a piece across the middle of the Dot.Com Ultra Lite, we were able to make side tubes, capable of holding a AAA or a slim AA flashlight, you know, when you need to see inside those dusty beige boxes.
The standard 1.75″ belt clip make taking the Dot.Com Ultra Lite off and on as easy as resetting the TCP/IP settings on your Linux machine.
The original Skinth Dot.Com had elastic webbing on the front, the only other space we could exploit on these small Shield is the front, so…we did! Held in place is a small proxy fob and a USB drive.
The rest of the Dot.Com Ultra Lite load includes a BO Piranha Pocket tool, a BO Victorinox Spirit S, County Comm Battery Locker and O-Light flashlight.
We will continue to explore, experiment and exploit our ever changing products and especially the Shields.
Till next week!
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