Sunday Prototype – 29/12/13 – The Skinth Puttentogeter
Winnipeg is home to the Skinth factory, and our fair city witnessed the opening of the biggest retailers of housewares after 10 years of speculation, city planning, highway expansion and water way construction.
Ikea is home to inexpensive, tasteful and often well designed furniture and accoutrements. Inspired by the blue tarpaulin bags used to haul out the Swedish goodies, we will be ready to assemble, knock together and PUTTENTOGETER the many Ikea products gifted to us this year at Christmas.
Using the same tarpaulin material, flouro yellow thread, brass buttons and the same webbing used for the shoulder strap, the Skinth PUTTENTOGETER holds all the necessary tools for putting together nearly at Ikea stuffs
A dual small slot holds an Ikea pencil and an allen key, a tool that changed the way Ikea products were shipped and designed. The paper ruler found through out the store rides just behind the belt clip.
An Ultrafire A2R5 AAA flashlight, Custom Leatheman Wave & Piranha tool make up the rest of the tool set.
Brass buttons add a touch of class to this big blue wonder.
This Prototype marks the end of the 2012 Skinth Prototype Sundays. We are very excited to bring in 2013 with more Skinths, more Prototype Sundays and most of all, offer tool and device carrying solutions for everyone.
Thank you SKINTH FANS!
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